


当你做得太多了,对于疗程的需求不能得到满足,其实有可能是一种病态,Body Dysmorphic Syndrome。


简单来说: 让你美的地方更美,保持你个性独特的优点。

















  • 诊断皮肤问题的经验
  • 根据病人情况(生活作息,环境,精神身体状况),调整镭射设置的经验
  • 使用该镭射的经验,懂得预测效果和避免副作用后遗症
  • 术前准备,术后照顾的经验


Some good results from the laser treatment, the before and after photos.
For patient reference, photos courtesy of NORSELD
You may ask your doctor for his/her practice results for local patient result reference

Acne results:

 Melasma treatment:

Rejuvenation Treatment: (look at the skin thickness and quality)

The result of photos above is case by case basis. Please consult your doctor for your skin condition and discuss with your doctor about the expectation of the result of treatment.

Some of the common ask questions about Dual Yellow Laser before the treatment, the official answer from the manufacturer, kindly have a look.

How does the treatment work?
The Dual Yellow laser generates wavelengths of light which target only the blemish to be treated thus leaving surrounding skin without damage.
Who can be treated?
Almost all skin types can be successfully treated for a wide range of blemishes including vascular and pigmented lesions, acne and skin rejuvenation.
Where can I be treated?
The Dual Yellow laser can be used on nearly all the body areas including face, neck, chest, back, hands, arms and legs.
How many treatments do I need?
For most vascular and pigmented lesions, only one treatment is necessary, however, for some skin rejuvenation, stretch marks and acne, several treatments may be required.
What does the treatment feel like?
The treatment is well tolerated by most patients without any form of anaesthetic. Most patients describe the feeling similar to that of a rubber band flicking on the skin, and a topical anaesthetic can be used if necessary.
Is the treatment safe?
If the laser is operated by properly trained personnel, the treatment is completely safe and will not cause any skin damage. Lasers are narrow-band and target ONLY the blemish being treated.
What are the results like?
Mostly the results are immediate, so that as you walk out of the clinic, you will notice the disappearance of vascular lesions. Some other lesions may take a week or so to disappear.

Dual Yellow Laser is one of my favourite laser machine in my clinic. It become common in the market too. 

It has 2 wavelength which is Yellow 578nm and Green 511nm. 

It has multiple indications according to its manufacture, but among those indications which i found it help my patients more are the indications for sensitive skin, different kinds of pigmentation reduction and acne reduction treatment. 

Specific wavelength of the lasers means it only work on specific target. So it reduce collateral damage to surrounding tissues and skin, less damage, less downtime and less discomfort.

The results are visible and effective if it is done by well trained and experienced doctors. The given protocols cannot applied on all patients but the operator (doctor) need to adjust the setting and power of the laser machine for every patient with different life style, skin type, pigmentation problem, skin condition and gender. Every treatment is specific and customised for each individual. This is the reason that skilful operator is important in laser treatment.

Those who are interested to know more about the Dual Yellow Laser, following are some of the info and please contact your doctor for more details if you want to receive the laser therapy of Dual Yellow Laser.

It is recommended for treatment of the following:

  • Broken Capillaries/veins and flushed cheeks (medically known as rosacea)
  • Appearance of red spots or birthmarks (port wine stains) and red patches (on the neck or leg) 
  • Solid lesions: seborrheic keratoses, moles, skin tags and benign papules 
  • Melasma, sunspots, freckles, age spots and other pigmentation problems 
  • Sun damaged skin on face, neck, chest and backs of hands 
  • Large sized pores, skin texture and fine lines 
  • Blemishes, sensitive skins
  • Birthmarks 
  • Scars and stretch marks 
  • Skin rejuvenation to generate collagen 
  • Dark circle under tired eyes

Acne Treatment with Dual Yellow laser

The yellow light from the Dual Yellow laser destroys the P Acne bacteria, and shrinks the sebaceous gland to reduce the production of sebum. The Dual Yellow laser is the only laser which uses photodynamic therapy to destroy bacteria, without damaging surrounding tissue. It does this by activating Proto Porphyrin 9 (PPIX) which exists in P Acne bacteria. PPIX is light sensitive at 578nm.
This treatment helps in reducing active acne and speeds up healing time of existing acne.

Rejuvenation with Dual Yellow Laser

The yellow light from the Dual Yellow laser helps to generate collagen, the essential protein for giving your skin elasticity.
This happens because yellow light affects the collagen in a way that promotes regrowth; it also reduces pigmentation. So your skin will appear lightened and more youthful. With the extravasation and reabsorption of the microvasculature in the epidermisand upper dermis, skin appears refreshed, and the texture is improved with the generation of new dermal collagen.

Pigmentation Treatment with Dual Yellow Laser
The green light from the Dual Yellow laser targets the melanin, which is the principle component in the lesion. Surrounding tissue remains undamaged. You will see immediate change and in some cases the lesion will darken slightly, which is perfectly normal.
The pigment will then gradually come away over the following week. This method causes no damages to surrounding tissue 

Bulky Lesions treatment with Dual Yellow Laser (Skin tags, benign moles eg)

The special combination G30Y light from the Dual Yellow laser is absorbed by the tissue, removing the bulky lesion permanently without causing any bleeding. 

Link to Before After Photos by Official Website of Norseld




Chapter 1
General Practitioner With Aesthetic Medical Practice

Chapter 2
Medical Specialist With Aesthetic Medical Practice
(Dermatologist and other Medical Specialist)

Chapter 3
Surgical Specialist with Aesthetic Medical Practice
(Plastic Surgeons and other surgical Specialist)


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